Monday, February 10, 2014

Diet journey

im getting bulkier as what im feeling rite now... so.. i decide to go on diet and see the result after the whole heart determination..

im thinking to do an ATKINS diet... starting today 10th Feb 2014. And i should get my desired result by July (on hari raya).. hahaha... so i can buy the kebaya... haa so ambitious... but hope i can do it... need to loose all the belly fat.. and get the tight and firm body...

for breakfast today i eat instant oat.. cause wake up a bit late and no time to cook... so i decide to eat oat.. actually if atkiners they should not take any carbo more than 20gm per day during induction phase...
but i determined to cook tomorrow for my breakfast...

lunch: quite success cause i only eat chicken, vege and egg tofu... but i dont know how much is the carbo inside this meal... hope its not more than allowed... but i always can strictly follow tomorrow... give a chance for yourself.. and avoid repeat the same mistake...

Makan kat The Mines Food Court's

and for dinner, i cook myself... easy meal.. as a fan to salmon and stock of salmon available in the fridge.. lets cook it.. for the salad.. the corn is no no in the atkins induction phase... cause i want to finish the stock.. so no choice... so tomorrow no more corn... hahha.. only veges, cucumber and tomato - for dinner i take 1/2 of the tomato and thinly wedges it... for the dressings i use roasted sesame dressing brand kewpie.. very light and delish dressing... love it.. and its low in carbo too.... yeay for me...

Salmon with salad in roasted sesame dressings

even aryan love it... he share the portion with my hubby... to marinate the salmon only need.. olive oil, black pepper, cajun seasoning, salt and mix herbs....

the salmon seared on the non stick pan for only 4 mins for each side... not to overcook...

thats all for today... adios amigos...