Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Piece of my mind

makin lama semakin malas nak berblogging... takder mood pon... takder hati pon yer jugak... nyampah pon yer jugak jugak... tp mcm sayang plak nak delete or nak tutup blog aku nie... yer lah kan.. semua sejarah yg certain aku dh delete dr otak aku ada kat sini... so ku gagahkan jugek la nak teruskan blogging nie walaupun hanya aku dan aku saja yg tau...

niat asal pon bukan nak blogging sampai femes... sbb tue takder nuffnang dan tak kisah pon kalo xde org folo... ada aku kesah? aku mmg tak kesah... lgpun sebab² blogging bagai setiap org adalah berbeza... same goes to me...

actually memula aku blogging punya la sakit otak dok pikir apa mende yg bagus topik aku nak up entry... so sgt la tak reti.. sbb bila aku bukak blog org femes benda harian diaorg update pon jadik menarik untuk diketahui... tp takde lah smpi stalk hidup orang tue... aku pon byk je kot keje nak buat... so anything goes in this world i know only a little.. and my life just move on normal routine... like everybody else... cuma my life less interesting to my own judgement cause i never have an opportunity to go around and live a hell of a life... but then who cares.. some people adore... some people hate it... be it.. it doesnt effect or affect my everyday life....

my life is only workplace, home to my adorable son and my hubby that i love so much... i love them both.. they are the center of my universe.. the three of us.. living our life to the fullest in our own definition and terms... and nothing much to brag about.. maybe im just proud of my son.. he's accomplish so much only at the age of 3.. im really proud of you son... i really am...